Wednesday, August 1, 2007

project update!

Hello everyone, I hope you all are having a happy summer and are not finding it too warm to knit!

I have promised several friends and knitters that I would post a project update!: The deadline for cranes has been extended-- so many folks have asked for more time that it was impossible not to. As the new deadline approaches, September 1, hundreds of lovely cranes are pouring into the mailbox. From the sounds of it, however, more than a few folks have had to set down their needles on the project and I may have to once again extend the deadline as I find more knitters to fill their RSVP spaces (we shall see, between non-RSVPers sending cranes and myself we just may make 1,000!) If all the cranes make it in by September 1, the date for the final install shall be set and I'll email the time/place to all!

In the meantime, check out the Summer 2007 issue of Vogue Knitting 'Knit 1 Magazine' there is a lovely artcle on the project with some pretty pictures to boot! If you're in Portland, stop by 'Close Knit' (2140 NE Alberta) where the cranes are currently on display.

Thanks to everyone who is participating in 'knitnotwar 1,0o0' and thank you also for your patience-- I'll send updates as they materialize!

Happy Summer Knitting!